At Your Service!
SIFT INC. is the first company dedicated to Computer Forensics and Information Security in the Eastern Caribbean. We attract smart CEOs, business owners, and decision makers to our specialised services because we provide the best in Computer Forensic and Information Security practices across the region.
Digital Investigations
You have a requirement that involves the data collection, preservation and analysis of varied datasets stored in places like PCs, Macs, Tablets, Smartphones, Smart-Watches, The Cloud or even a Drone? How about expert witness testimony in court or an administrative hearing?
When Can we Start!?
Security as a service
Small Company with a low budget working with Big ideas, and even Bigger Data? At SIFT INC. we have leveled the playing field by offering our dedicated Information Security expertise as an affordable and flexible service. Your Objectives + Our Passion = Long Term Business Assurance.
Need a trusted solution that takes care of your backup needs and is tailored specifically for you? We would LOVE to help you with this because we make Data Preservation our Business!